
Thursday, 8 March 2012


                                                      Olugbenga Ashiru:

Pertoria- South Africa had finally apologies for deporting 125 Nigerian last Thursday from their country
For that Nigeria has also deport 131 South Africa for retaliation.
 The dispute blew up after immigration officials Johannesburg main airport last week refuse the entry into Nigeria, saying that they do not carry a valid yellow fever card.    

South Africa deputy foreign minister Ibrahim Ibrahim said in Pretoria, that they have apologise for deporting number of people who should not have been deported,

He also said that South Africa airport authorities did not properly check to determine if the cards are authentic, He said they are considering to reopen health clinic at the airport to ensure that such incident is not repeated.  

Nigerian foreign minster Olugbenga Ashiru, speaking to the national Assembly, He link the deportation to what he call xenophobia face by Nigerian immigrant living in South Africa fear  police who arrest them without cause

Ashiru said, Nigerians had been certified free of yellow fever  by the World Health Organization that why countries in Europe and US do not require yellow fever cards from  Nigerians.
Meanwhile Ashiru said he had accepted the Apology, saying South African was expected to formally apologies for the row.   finally


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